Thursday, January 22, 2009


I discovered that D had written on his duvet cover with dry erase marker. I said, "I saw that you wrote on your blanket."

With sheepish grin, "mmm-hmmm"

"You know we only write on paper right?"

'Yeah, but Mom, I had something to say."

Yesterday we were talking about his mama in Haiti. He said he wanted to go see Haiti. I said we could go visit one day.
He said, "OK, but I don't want you to leave me there, cause you my mama."
(Trying not to cry now) I say, "I will never leave you and I will always be your mama."
He says with an impish grin, "But sometimes I'm mean."
"Even when you are mean I will still be your mama!"

Seriously, this child is so in tune with his feelings for a four year old.


Unknown said...

Ok, I have my own "Daniel-ism":

The last time I came over to your house Daniel ran up to me and just stopped in his tracks and stared at me for a second with his eyes wide open. He looked at me and in the most serious tone said, "You look beautiful!"

I could use more of him around :)

T and T Livesay said...

wwwwwaaaaahhhhhhhhh. amazing.