Monday, March 12, 2007


Have you ever noticed when God wants to teach you about something it becomes a "theme" in your life. Everywhere you turn, everything you read, every person you talk to - there it is again! My theme right now is "loving God". I gave my heart and life to the Lord when I was 6 years old, and I have always loved Him. Still, recently it is becoming so obvious how lacking my love for Him is - especially when compared to His love for me! I've spent so much time in my life asking God what I can DO for Him, what His will is for my life, how can I serve Him more...better...stronger...harder. God has really convicted how self centered that line of thinking is. I mean certainly He has plans for me in my life of service to Him, but really above all that, and in fact more importantly, BEFORE all that, he desires that I love Him. Jesus said the most important commandment was to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Shouldn't that be my number one priority in life. And then as I get to know the person of God, His character, who He really is, and as I fall in love with Him, it will be a natural progression to then see His work in my life. I will know His voice more clearly. I will be more familiar with how He works. So, that is my prayer right now. "Lord help me to get to know you better. Help me to love you as deeply and powerfully as you loved me when you sent your son to die for me. Don't let me get so busy doing things 'for you' that I forget to just praise and love you simply for who you are."

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